Religious Education

St Michael’s Primary follows the Religious Education syllabus for Catholic schools prescribed by the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta.

In line with syllabus documents from the NSW Education Standards Authority, the Religious Education syllabus requires students, at various stages, to achieve certain outcomes in the areas of God, Jesus, Sacraments, Prayer, Scripture and Church. Importantly, the syllabus requires that teaching and learning activities cater for the different learning styles and levels of ability of the children.

At St Michael’s we aim to integrate the school's Religious Education program into the whole curriculum to ensure that the children come to follow Jesus in the Catholic tradition, developing values and attitudes that could be described as essentially Catholic. Meaningful lessons in Religious Education are part of the school day and Gospel values and attitudes permeate all aspects of school life.

Religious Education at St Michael's 1
Religious Education at St Michael's 2
Religious Education at St Michael's 3

Religious Education at St Michael's 4
Religious Education at St Michael's 5
Religious Education at St Michael's 6

Prayer and Liturgy

Children have the opportunity to celebrate liturgies, which reflect the liturgical seasons and the life of the school. They also participate in reconciliation and prayer times as part of the school day. Grade liturgies are held throughout the year. This is an opportunity for parents to pray with the St Michael’s community.

Some of the prayers and liturgies of our community include:
  • celebration of Sacraments and support of the parish Sacramental program - Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation
  • celebration of Opening Beginning School with Nagle College
  • class Reconciliation
  • staff prayer
  • whole-school liturgies for Mothers Day and Fathers Day
  • St Michael's Feast Day
  • Holy Week celebrations

Sacramental Program

The parish facilitates family-centred First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation programs for the children, and the school supports these initiatives within its Religious Education program.

Social Justice and Outreach

Our motto, Love One Another, is the benchmark for all our social justice experiences. We are inspired by Nano Nagle and our school's early formation with the Presentation Sisters to be a community that reaches out to and supports the poor and marginalised within and beyond our school.

Each year we respond to the work and mission of a variety of charities, and the needs of our poor and cultural groups is ever present. Policy and programs including fee support, Sudanese homework classes and family outreach, allow us to live out our motto more fully.